
In Grade 12 students must take English Studies 12 to satisfy the Dogwood Diploma requirements. Pathways also offers the following courses that can be taken as electives.

Grade 12 English Options

Composition 12

Composition 12 is designed to support students in their refinement and pursuit of mastery of written communication. Students will be encouraged to develop their craft through processes of drafting, reflecting, and revising to build a body of publishable work. Teachers will support students to produce work that demonstrates breadth, depth, and evidence of sophisticated for a range of writing situations. Students will read and study exemplary compositions by other writers and be exposed to a variety of styles as models for the development of their writing. The course provides opportunities for students, with increasing independence and self-sufficiency, to study, create, and write original and authentic pieces for a range of purposes and audiences using real-world applications with impact and effectiveness. Students may complete this course using a variety of tools like the IEW or Sharon Watson writing curriculum. This course can also be completed concurrently alongside 20th Century World History 12.

4 Credits
Creative Writing 12

Creative Writing 12 is designed for students who are interested in creating a body of work reflective of a sophisticated breadth and depth of skill. The course provides students with opportunities to specialize and publish in real-world contexts. Students engage in the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, and stories, in a wide range of genres. Teachers will support students as they develop their skills through writing and the design processes. Students will refine their ability to write in complex, controlled styles with effectiveness and impact. Students may complete this course using a variety of tools like the Great Courses (video lecture) or Sharon Watson Creative writing curriculum.

4 Credits
English Studies 12*

English Studies 12 encompasses a broad range of English language skills. Students will explore a variety of composition, literature and creative writing experiences to broaden their ability with and understanding of the English Language. This course will also look at Reconciliation in Canada and explore the movement to heal relationships between First Peoples and Canada that was damaged by colonial policies. Teachers will guide students in finding their focus and resources to support their learning. Students may complete this course using a variety composition writing curriculum, novel studies, literature and non-fiction texts.

*One of these is required for graduation for all students: English Studies 12 -or- English First Peoples 12.

4 Credits
English First Peoples 12*

EFP 12 builds upon and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA and EFP 10 and 11 courses. The course is grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning. It is designed for all students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, who are interested in delving deeply into First Peoples oral and written literature and visual texts in a range of media. The course focuses on the experiences, values, beliefs, and lived realities of First Peoples as evidenced in various forms of text, including oral story, poetry, song, performance, film, and prose. A key feature of the course is its focus on authentic First Peoples voices (i.e., historical or contemporary texts created by or with First Peoples).

Student may choose a customized course or a prepared Study Forge course.

*One of these is required for graduation for all students: English Studies 12 -or- English First Peoples 12.

This course meets the Indigenous Focused grad requirement for the Dogwood Diploma. 

4 Credits
Literary Studies 12

Literary Studies 12 allows students to delve more deeply into literature through increasingly complex texts. Students can explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. Teachers will guide students in finding their focus and resources to support their learning. Students may complete this course using a variety of tools like the Progeny Press Novel Study curriculum.

4 Credits
New Media 12

This individualized course is designed to reflect the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. Teachers will guide students in finding their focus and resources to support their learning with the aim of providing students with a set of skills vital for success in an increasingly complex digital world. Students will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate understanding and communicate increasingly sophisticated ideas through a wide variety of digital and print media.

4 Credits
Spoken Language 12

This individualized course is designed to support students as they refine, clarify, and adjust their spoken communication through practice and revision. Teachers will guide students in finding their focus and resources to support their learning. Student will have opportunities to create, write, and present a body of publishable and/or performance-based work for a range of purposes and audiences.

4 Credits